Friday, April 07, 2006


I don't even watch the show myself. 'Cept when I'm at the gym with the TVs in front of me. They have like, CTV (dkfddfg), MuchMusic (gdgdfgdff, they act like they're MTV and play rap videos all morning :X; at night MM seems to play more rock stuff), TSN (like ESPN in the states, logo looks the same, but sports sux anyway), and Global (ugh).

Anywho, Sportscenter/re just happens to be on. I can't take my eyes away. That 're' situated where there should be a more, say, phonetic spelling. It hurts sometimes. To watch. But, you know, I'm on the east coast, and like Toronto, I think I'm New York sometimes. No, I am New York. Because I work out. Well, I'm not as big and burly as New York, though. I'm also lacking in the "1 Million Tall Buildings" department. But you know how it goes. I do have lots of traffic jams, though. Ha, Matt Good, what a guy, huh? But those aren't the lyrics. And it's time for pancakes.
